UAE, known for its strategic location, dynamic economy, and investor-friendly policies, is a sought-after destination for business setup. However, before embarking on this exciting journey, it’s crucial to understand the costs involved in establishing your business in the City of Gold.

EZ Setup Corporate Services: Pioneering Business Setup in UAE

Are you ready to embark on a journey of entrepreneurial success in the thriving heart of the Middle East? We offer various corporate services at a lower cost, including accounting, payroll, and business bank account setup, as well as mail management, virtual receptionist, and VAT registration. UAE, with its strategic location, pro-business policies, and boundless opportunities, has long been a magnet for ambitious visionaries. At EZ Setup, we are your dedicated partners in turning your dreams of business ownership in UAE into reality.

Are you considering the vibrant and thriving business landscape of UAE for your next entrepreneurial venture?

UAE, known for its strategic location, dynamic economy, and investor-friendly policies, is a sought-after destination for business setup. However, before embarking on this exciting journey, it’s crucial to understand the costs involved in establishing your business in the City of Gold.

Why UAE?

Strategic Location

UAE strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it an ideal base for businesses with global aspirations.

Business-Friendly Environment

UAE offers a business-friendly regulatory framework, with a range of company structures and ownership options, including mainland, free zone, and offshore entities.

Tax Advantages

Many businesses in UAE benefit from zero or low corporate taxes, providing a competitive edge on the global stage.


The city boasts world-class infrastructure, including state-of-the-art ports, airports, and technology hubs.

Quality of Life

UAE offers an exceptional quality of life, attracting top talent worldwide.

What setup option is best for your business?

The best setup option for your business in UAE depends on various factors, including your business goals, industry, budget, and the level of control you want over your company. UAE offers several types of business structures, each with its advantages and considerations. Here are the main options to consider:

Years In Business
Team Members
Happy Customers

The Process of Business Setup in UAE

Setting up a business in UAE involves several steps and can vary depending on the type of business structure you choose (mainland, free zone, offshore). Here is a general overview of the business setup process in UAE:

Company Name Selection

Select a unique and appropriate name for your business, ensuring it complies with UAE’s naming conventions and any specific regulations in your chosen jurisdiction.

Finalise activity

Draft the necessary legal documents, including the MOA, shareholder agreements, and other contracts required for your business structure.


Submit all required documents to the relevant government authority or free zone authority for business registration. Pay the registration fees and obtain your trade license.

License application

Apply for employee visas and sponsorship, if needed. Fulfill any labor and immigration requirements for hiring employees.Open a corporate bank account with a local or international bank. Comply with the bank’s requirements and provide the necessary documents.

Company formed

Reserve your business name with the relevant authority (e.g., Department of Economic Development for mainland businesses or the free zone authority for free zone companies).

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